A few words about the Christmas Party first.
I’d been at my new job a week when I got the invite – for myself and partner. Nice start. We booked a couple of cheap flights to Cairns, and away we went. Pre-dinner drinks on the wharf, a river cruise (well, the yacht puttered up and down a bit whilst a hundred people drank). So many friends!
Then, an open-top double-decker twenty minute bus ride around the town taking us the 500m from the wharf to the nightclub. Which had a room set aside just for us, and all we could drink. It was a display that wouldn’t have looked out of place at say, the Relworker’s Ball (No bitterness here, but last year’s Christmas Party wound up being a last-minute invitation to attend the free drinks being held by the Sunshine Coast Airport. Guess it was an effective cost cutting measure…)
Back to the Bungy.
A little worse for wear, we contacted former Industry Night Operative Haydenus, now working in Cairns. He ditched his epaulettes and joined us for the adventure, driving us out there and giving us the lay of the land en route.
The facility is awesome. The staff were fantastic, and as Skydive employees we jumped the queue a bit. And we tell much the same suite of jokes…
The jump itself was super-pro. They had one exit operating, turning over a customer every two minutes. Fast, efficient, cross checked: I felt loved, and excited, and looked forward to my ground rush.
No trouble leaving the platform, trees rushing up, then all too soon the rope arrested my fall, leaving me turning upside down at about 30rpm, and reconsidering my wellness programme after the night before.
Great fun.
Go do one.